Facility Rental Agreement
Reunion Metropolitan District
Facility & Park Rental Agreement Form
Any event with more than 50 attendees is considered a Special Event. Special Event permits must provide a Certificate of Insurance with a minimum of $1,000,000 combined single coverage property and personal injury insurance; the policy must indemnify the District, its directors, and employees with a minimum 30-day cancellation period at least ten (10) working days prior to the rental. Certificate to read as follows with this exact language: ADDITIONALLY INSURED, REUNION METROPOLITAN DISTRICT, ITS OFFICERS, OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES. Go to www.rvnuccio.com for more information.
All damages incurred to the Reunion Recreation Center, Reunion Pool or Concessions Pavilion.
Paying the full amount of Rental fee for the rental period pursuant to the Rental Fee Schedule below at least seven (7) working days prior to the rental date.
His/her actions and the actions of all gathering attendees. As such the permit-holder is required to ensure that all attendees comply with the appropriate Park Rules and to the Rules of Conduct found in the Rules and Regulations.
Being a Reunion Resident in good standing with the RMD. Members not in good standing are subject to paying the non-resident rate. Additional fees apply to all non-residents.
Paying additional fees at the applicable hourly rate in accordance with the Rental Fee Schedule provided herein of occupancy by the Applicant, Applicant’s guests and/or Applicant’s contract service providers of the rental area later than the End Time stated above. The facility supervisor may deduct payment of such additional rental fee from Applicant’s deposit, and the Applicant agrees to pay any amount of such additional rental fee that exceeds the amount of the Applicant’s deposit.
Removing all items brought into the rental area by the Applicant, Applicant’s guests and Applicant’s contract service providers. Reunion Metropolitan District, its officers, employees, and agents shall not be responsible for any items left at the Reunion Recreation Center or Reunion Pool by the Applicant, Applicant’s guests and Applicant’s contract service provider.
Providing adult supervision of all children attending the event at all times. Children must be in the line of sight of an adult.
If the applicant cancels the reservations more than seven (7) working days prior to the rental date, the Reunion Metropolitan District will refund the full amount of any deposit and/or rental fees paid by the Applicant.
If the Applicant cancels the reservation on or after the seventh (7) working days prior to the rental day, the Applicant will forfeit 10% of the total reservation deposit.
Rental completion
At the conclusion of the rental, a Reunion Metropolitan District staff member will inspect the rental area to assess any damages incurred during the duration of the rental agreement. The facility manager shall deduct the cost of such damages arising out of or in connection to the Applicant’s rental from the Applicant’s deposit. The Applicant shall be responsible for making payment to Reunion Metropolitan District for any such damage in excess of the deposit.
Please note the rental period allows 15 minutes before and after rental for set-up time, and any clean-up time required.
In consideration of permission to reserve and rent the area designated herein, the Applicant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Reunion Metropolitan District, its directors, employees and agents from and against any and all loss, damage, injuries, claims, cause(s) of action, or any liability of any kind whatsoever to any person or property caused by any act, omission or negligence of the Applicant, its licensees, employees or agents resulting from, arising out of or in connection with the Applicant’s use of the Reunion Recreation Center or Reunion Pool under this Rental Agreement.
The undersigned, if different from the Applicant, hereby assumes personal and individual liability for himself/herself and on behalf of the Applicant for any and all obligations of the Applicant contained herein.
By my signature below, I hereby swear and affirm that I am the Applicant or duly authorized by the Applicant to enter into this Facility Reservation and Rental Agreement on behalf of the Applicant.