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Reunion History

Real Heritage

When real estate mogul L.C. Fulenwider flocked west from Missouri to Colorado in the early 20th century, he acquired large sets of farmland barely east of Denver spanning a good 40,000 acres. One such purchase eventually became the area where Denver International Airport stands today. In 2001, another purchase formed the creation of Reunion here in Commerce City with Colorado’s farming and ranching heritage playing a prominent role in the design of this charming, vibrant community. Proof lies when you first see the recreation center’s big red barn, the entry silo, and the subtle orchards. Farms thrive all across the American heartland with crops and livestock. Here at Reunion, one of the things we happen to grow are our people.

Reunion has a real story to tell—a pioneering spirit with agricultural legacies setting the stage for a promising future with an authentic place to play. And live. And thrive.

A collage of historical sepia photos showing people, landscapes, a car, an office, and a horse-drawn carriage, with a caption about the Fulenwider family.