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Reunion Metropolitan District FAQs

Which filings or housing projects are within the Reunion Special Metro Districts and which are not? How is that determination made? If a housing project, such as the Carriage Homes, are excluded from the Metro District, why do they have access to the services, facilities and roads that have bonds that other filings must cover? Which other proposed projects will current Reunion filings underwrite through the bonds? 

Please refer to the district map for current districts.

All homes built within the legal boundaries of the Reunion master planned community are part of the metropolitan district structure, including, but not limited to, the recently built carriage homes. Additionally, homes like the carriage product are part of sub-districts and are required to pay an additional fee for enhanced operations and maintenance services they receive.

All of the North Range and Reunion Metropolitan District (the “Districts”) improvements and facilities financed through the districts and/or maintained by the Districts are public facilities. By law, the Districts do not have the ability to exclude anyone from using the publicly financed facilities (i.e. roads, parks, etc.) but can charge a differential fee for use of the same (i.e. recreation center) to the extent a user is not a resident or property owner within the Districts.

Lastly, any future public infrastructure investments that are required within the boundaries of the master planned community of Reunion, as defined by the approved PUD, can be financed by one or more of the Districts.

How do you provide informed consent regarding the proposed oil and gas fracking, directional wellbores, and sites proposed under or near Reunion Metropolitan District projects prior to the buyer making a down payment or purchasing the property? If not, what will you do to insure buyers are fully aware of oil and gas activity? 

Typically, the home builders provide information (disclosures) at the time of contract since individual lots/homes are sold by the builders, not the Districts, which, in the case of Reunion, are responsible for much of the public infrastructure and community amenities.

With the updating of the Reunion community and District websites, Reunion is exploring adding links to public resources on oil and gas activities, similar to what is provided about how residents can learn more about metropolitan districts.

Resources and more information on Oil and Gas Regulations and Permitting in Colorado

There was to be an election of directors to the Reunion Metropolitan District in May 2018. The May 2018 election was canceled, and Kelly Leid, Bruce Rau and Brett Price were declared elected by acclamation, because the election official determined by March 6, 2018, there were not more candidates for Reunion Metropolitan District director than the three offices to be filled by March 6, 2018. Those elected by acclamation were all employees of Oakwood Homes. Given that many Reunion residents have expressed interest in serving on the board, please provide citations for the date and location or media where the notice of election or notice for candidates was advertised to the public. 

In order to be eligible to serve on the board of a metropolitan district, one must be an “eligible elector” of that district. The Special District Act, at C.R.S., 32-1-103(5)(a), defines an eligible elector as a person who is registered to vote in the State of Colorado; and who is either

  1. A resident of the district or area to be included in the district in the case of the initial organization of the district, or
  2. Who, or whose spouse or civil union partner, owns taxable real property or personal property situated within the boundaries of the district or the area to be included in the district, whether the person lives in the district or not; or
  3. Obligated to pay taxes under a contract to purchase taxable property situated within the boundaries of the special district or the area to be included within the special district.

Each of the Title 32 metropolitan districts that serve the Reunion community (collectively, the “Reunion Districts”) have different legal boundaries that do not and are not intended to overlap. North Range Metropolitan District Nos. 1 and 2 include the majority of currently developed property within their boundaries. Reunion and North Range Metropolitan District Nos. 3-5 include very small undeveloped parcels of property that are currently owned by either Shea Homes or Clayton Properties Group II. As further development continues to be phased within the Reunion community, there will be boundary adjustments that include additional property into the remaining North Range Metropolitan District Nos. 3-5. As that occurs additional residents and property owners will become eligible electors within those respective districts and may participate in the district elections and be eligible to serve as board members.

Regular elections have historically been held for director positions on the first Tuesday of May of even numbered years. Recent legislation has been passed that changes the schedule for regular elections to May of odd numbered years, starting in 2023. As a result, directors will be elected for three-year terms, instead of four-year terms, as part of the May elections scheduled for 2020 and 2022. For all regular director elections, Colorado law requires the publication of a Call for Nominations no less than 75 days and no more than 100 days prior to the election. The Reunion Districts publish all legal notices in the Commerce City Sentinel and additionally include notices of elections on the District website at Self-nomination forms for all elections are due not later than the 67th day prior to the election date or eligible electors may submit write in affidavits on or prior to the 64th day prior to the election. To the extent there are not more self-nomination forms or write in affidavits (on a combined basis) that are in excess of the available board positions, the designated election official is tasked with cancelling the election and all persons that have submitted self-nomination forms or write in affidavits are deemed elected by acclimation.

If there are more self-nomination forms and write in affidavits submitted than available board positions, the designated election official continues to conduct the election as a mail ballot election. All persons that are eligible electors for the respective district are sent a mail ballot for purposes of voting in the election. The candidate deemed election is based upon a majority vote of the eligible electors and will take his or her position at the next regular board meeting subsequent to taking the requisite oath of office.